It's New Year's Eve 2019. You're at a house party with your best friends, gushing about how 2020 is going to be your year, before taking that vodka shot that will decidedly finish you off for the night. You have a girl's holiday to Magaluf planned for July after you're set to have completed the A-Levels that you've had way too many sleepless nights over, working tirelessly for those three A's necessary to get into your top choice university in September. But all that hard work will be worth it when you have the best summer of your life as a freshly turned eighteen-year-old dancing all night long at music festivals, looking dazzling at prom (hoping and praying you don't despise your makeup and hair like you did at year eleven prom) and having an emotional leavers. And finally, at the end of summer, you and the friends you've had all throughout school will go your separate ways to universities across the UK - but you'll have an unforgettable ...
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